Why I decided to start this Blog ?!

For a long while I’ve been flirting with the idea of starting a photography blog. Each time this idea was suppressed by my longtime fears of embarrassment and being judged over my “perceived” low copywriting abilities.

“Overcoming fear”

One of my primary motivations for starting this blog is conquering my fears and going out of my comfort zone, by challenging myself in a field that I consider as my weakest which is the one of copywriting. Putting my thoughts into words has never been one of my strengths, and what can be better to improve it than facing it headfirst by committing myself to a public blog.

Sharing knowledge”

As a self-taught photographer who learned everything about this art form through personal experimentation, youtube tutorials and websites. Creating this blog is my personal way of saying thank you by giving back some of my knowledge to the community that helped me grow the love I have for photography, with the hope that I might influence someone out there grow passion for this art and make him/her better at it.

“keep learning”

Stagnation is one of the fiercest enemies of any artist. In this art of photography where each month sees the birth of a new trend. Every photographer should stay at the top of what’s happening in the field. Now you might ask me, how do blogging will help you with that ?! By engaging myself into blogging my hope is that research and constant learning and improvement will become a second nature, to bring you the most relevant articles that treats today’s photography needs and not yesterday’s.